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Food Webs









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发表于 2017-7-18 21:46:13 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Food Webs
Dataset   FoodWebs
Chesapeake.paj - 39 vertices, 177 (1) arcs. Web 34: Chesapeake Bay Mesohaline Net
ChesLower.paj - 37 vertices, 166 (1) arcs. Web 46: Lower Chesapeake Bay in Summer
ChesMiddle.paj - 37 vertices, 203 (2) arcs. Web 45: Middle Chesapeake Bay in Summer
ChesUpper.paj - 37 vertices, 206 (1) arcs. Web 44: Upper Chesapeake Bay in Summer
CrystalC.paj - 24 vertices, 125 (0) arcs. Web 1: Crystal River Creek (Control)
CrystalD.paj - 24 vertices, 100 (1) arcs. Web 2: Crystal River Creek (Delta Temp)
Everglades.paj - 69 vertices, 916 (5) arcs. Web 40: Everglades Graminoid Marshes
Florida.paj - 128 vertices, 2106 (0) arcs. Web 38: Florida Bay Trophic Exchange Matrix
Maspalomas.paj - 24 vertices, 82 (0) arcs. Web 39: Charca de Maspalomas
Michigan.paj - 39 vertices, 221 (3) arcs. Web 47: Lake Michigan Control network
Mondego.paj - 46 vertices, 400 (8) arcs. Web 41: Mondego Estuary - Zostrea site
Narragan.paj - 35 vertices, 220 (2) arcs. Web 42: Narragansett Bay Model
Rhode.paj - 20 vertices, 53 (0) arcs. Web 32: Rhode River Watershed - Water Budget
StMarks.paj - 54 vertices, 356 (3) arcs. Web 43: St. Marks River (Florida) Flow network

baydry.paj - 128 vertices, 2137 (0) arcs: Florida Bay, Dry Season
baywet.paj - 128 vertices, 2106 (0) arcs: Florida Bay, Wet Season
cypdry.paj - 71 vertices, 640 (0) arcs: Cypress, Dry Season
cypwet.paj - 71 vertices, 631 (0) arcs: Cypress, Wet Season
gramdry.paj - 69 vertices, 915 (5) arcs: Everglades Graminoids, Dry Season
gramwet.paj - 69 vertices, 916 (5) arcs: Everglades Graminoids, Wet Season
mangdry.paj - 97 vertices, 1491 (0) arcs: Mangrove Estuary, Dry Season
mangwet.paj - 97 vertices, 1492 (0) arcs: Mangrove Estuary, Wet Season

Chesapeake.paj (6.571), ChesLower.paj (5.619), ChesMiddle.paj (6.255), ChesUpper.paj(6.400), CrystalC.paj (3.908), CrystalD.paj (3.420), Everglades.paj (25.286), Florida.paj(56.241), Maspalomas.paj (2.965), Michigan.paj (7.010), Mondego.paj (11.916), Narragan.paj(6.753), Rhode.paj (2.324), StMarks.paj (11.888).
baydry.paj (64.892), baywet.paj (64.281), cypdry.paj (17.882), cypwet.paj (17.497), gramdry.paj(28.069), gramwet.paj (28.685), mangdry.paj (45.683), mangwet.paj (45.925).
Complete datasets: Food-webs (ZIP, 55K), ATLSS (ZIP, 90K)
Background The food-webs were selected from the R.E. Ulanowicz's Collection from theEcosystem Network Analysis site and from ATLSS - Network Analysis of Trophic Dynamics in South Florida Ecosystems.
The original data are in SCOR format. They were transformed using program Scor2Paj into corresponding Pajek project files. Besides the network description, described by the exchange flow from the donor to recipient compartments, every paj file contains also a vector of values for the bio-masses of each vertex (compartement), and a partition of vertices into types
  1 - Living/producing compartment  2 - Other compartment  3 - Input  4 - Output  5 - Respiration

  • Original food-web data collected and published by different researchers - see Food-web data descriptions.
  • datall.dat version 22. July 2002 by R.E. Ulanowicz.
  • Selected SCOR files from datall.dat transformed in Pajek project format: V. Batagelj, 14-15. July 2003.
  • SCOR files from ATLSS transformed in Pajek project format: V. Batagelj, 13. June 2004.

  • EcoNetwrk A Windows-compatible tool to analyze ecological flow networks.
  • ATLSS Network Analysis of Trophic Dynamics in South Florida Ecosystems.
  • Carlos J. Melia'n, Jordi Bascompte: Food Web Cohesion. Ecology, 85(2), 2004, pp. 352-358. (PDF).
  • Mixed references from the SFI Paleo-Food Webs list.
Food-web data descriptions:
  • Almunia, J., G. Basterretxea, J. Aristegui, and R.E. Ulanowicz. (1999) Benthic- Pelagic switching in a coastal subtropical lagoon. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 49:363-384. [size=1em][Maspalomas]
  • Baird D. & Ulanowicz R.E. (1989) The seasonal dynamics of the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem. Ecological Monographs 59:329-364. [size=1em][Chesapeake Bay] [PDF]
  • Baird, D., J. Luczkovich and R. R. Christian. (1998) Assessment of spatial and temporal variability in ecosystem attributes of the St Marks National Wildlife Refuge, Apalachee Bay, Florida. Estuarine, Coastal, and Shelf Science 47: 329-349. [size=1em][St Marks River Estuary] [HTML]
  • Correll, D. (Unpublished manuscript) Smithsonian Institute, Chesapeake Bay Center for Environmental Research, Edgewater, Maryland 21037-0028 USA. [size=1em][Rhode River]
  • Hagy, J.D. (2002) Eutrophication, hypoxia and trophic transfer efficiency in Chesapeake Bay PhD Dissertation, University of Maryland at College Park (USA), 446 pp.[size=1em][Chesapeake Bay: Lower, Middle, Upper]
  • Homer, M. and W.M. Kemp. Unpublished Ms. See also Ulanowicz, R.E. 1986. Growth and Development: Ecosystems Phenomenology. Springer, New York. pp 69-79. [size=1em][Crystal River Creek]
  • Krause, A. and D. Mason. (In preparation.) A. Krause, PhD. Dissertation, Michigan State University. Ann Arbor, MI. USA [size=1em][Lake Michigan]
  • Monaco, M.E. and R.E. Ulanowicz. (1997) Comparative ecosystem trophic structure of three U.S. Mid-Atlantic estuaries. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 161:239-254. [size=1em][Narragansett Bay]
  • Patricio, J. (In Preparation) Master's Thesis. University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal. Email: . [size=1em][Mondego Estuary]
  • Ulanowicz, R.E., J.J. Heymans, and M.S. Egnotovich. (2000) Network Analysis of Trophic Dynamics in South Florida Ecosystems, FY 99: The Graminoid Ecosystem. Ref. No. [UMCES] CBL 00-0176. Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, Solomons, MD 20688-0038 USA. [size=1em][Everglades] [HTML]
  • Ulanowicz, R.E., C. Bondavalli and M.S. Egnotovich. (1998) Network Analysis of Trophic Dynamics in South Florida Ecosystem, FY 97: The Florida Bay Ecosystem. Ref. No. [UMCES]CBL 98-123. Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, Solomons, MD 20688-0038 USA. [size=1em][Florida] [HTML]
  • Christian R.R. & Luczkovich J.J. (1999) Organizing and understanding a winter's seagrass foodweb network through effective trophic levels. Ecological Modelling 117: 99-124. [size=1em][St. Mark's Seagrass] [PDF]


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