社会网络分析参考资稃(.Sources On Social Networks) 1. 期刊(Periodicals): Social Networks: An International Journalof Structural Analysis (1978-esent) .Edited by Linton C. Freeman and Ronald L. Breiger. Now by Patrick)oreian and Tom Snijders. Available on-line through HOLLIS beginning1 1995. Connections (1977-present) . Edited by William D. Richards and ThomasW.Valente. Newsletter of the International Network for Social Network Analy-sis(INSNA). Journal of Social Structure ( 2000-present) . Edited by David Krack-rdt. An electronicjournal publishing a variety of works on social networks,some of which usesdisplay options not available for print journals. Available freeof charge athttp: //www. Heinz. Cmu. Edu/project/INSNA/joss/indexl.Html. 2. 概论书(Booksproviding overviews): Berkowitz, S. D. An Introduction toStructural Analysis: The Network Ap-proach to Social Research. Toronto:Butterworth’s, 1982. Degenne, Alain and Michel Forse.IntroducingSocial Networks. ThousandOaks, CA: Sage Publications, 1999. Knoke, David. Political Networks: The Structural Perspective. NewYork:Cambridge University Press, 1990. Knoke, David and James H. Kuklinski.Network Analysis. Beverly Hills:Sage, 1982. Monge, Peter R. and Noshir S. Contractor.Theories of Communication Net-works. New York: Oxford University Press, 2003. 3. 文集(Collections): Burt, Ronald S. and Michael J. Minor.Applied Network Analysis: A Meth-odological Introduction. Beverly Hills: Sage, 1983. ( collection of basic meth-1s articles.)Doreian, Patrick and Frans N. Stokman. Evolution of Social Net-works. Special issues of the Journal of Mathematical Sociology, volume 21(Nos. 1-2, 1996) and volume 25 (No. 1, 2001) . Freeman, Linton C. , Douglas R. White, andA. Kimball Romney. ResearchMethods in Social Network Analysis. Fairfax, VA: George Mason UniversityPress, 1989. ( collection of comparatively sophisticated methods articles from1980 conference.) Holland, Paul W. and Samuel Leinhardt.Perspectives on Social NetworkResearch. New York: Academic, 1979. (collection of papers from 1975 confer-ence.) Leenders, Roger Th. A. J. and Shaul M. Gabbay. Corporate Social Capitaland Liability. Boston: Kluwer AcademicPublishers, 1999. (collection of recentarticles on socialcapital in and around organizations, many of which rely on net-work analyses.) Leinhardt, Samuel . Social Networks: A Developing Paradigm. New York:Academic,1977. (collection of relatively earlyarticles cited by those develop-ping the network approach. ) Lin, Nan, Karen Cook and Ronald S. Burt .Social Capital: Theory and Re-search. New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2001. (collection of papers, mostly onlabor markets and communities, presentedat 1998 conference. ) Lin, Nan, Alfred Dean and Walter Ensel.Social Support, Life Events, andsion. New York: Academic Press, 1986. Marsden, Peter V. and Nan Lin . Social Structure and Network Analy-sis- Beverly Hills: Sage, 1982. ( collection of substantively-focused articlesfrom1981 conference.) Mitchell, J. Clyde. Social Networks inUrban Situations. Manchester,UK:Manchester University Press, 1969. (collection of conceptualarticles and appli-cations, based on the British social anthropologicaltradition. ) Mizruchi, Mark S- and Michael Schwartz . Intercorporate Relations: TheStructural.Analysis of Business. New York: Cambridge UniversityPress, 1987.(collection of papers oninterlocking directorates, class cohesion, etc. ) Wasserman, Stanley, and Joseph Galaskiewicz. Advances in Social Net-vork Analysis: Research in the Social and BehavioralSciences. Newbury Park,CA: Sage Publications, 1994. (1990s stock-taking of what has beenlearnedfrom the network approach in several fields of application. ) Weesie, Jeroen and Henk Flap . SocialNetworks Through Time. Utrecht,NL: ISOR/University of Utrecht, 1990. ( collection based on 1988 confer-ence.) Wellman, Barry . Networks in the GlobalVillage: Life in ContemporaryCrrunities.Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1999. ( collection of recent arti-cles on personalnetworks and communities. ) Wellman, Barry and S. D. Berkowitz . SocialStructures: A Network Ap-proach. NewYork: Cambridge University Press, 1988* (collection of conceptu-al and substantive articles which also attemptsto establish links between net-work studies and other forms of “structural”analysis. ) Willer, David . Network Exchange Theory.Westport, CT: Praeger, 1999.(collectionof largely experimental work on social exchange networks. ) 4. 专著 (Some selected book-length theoretical andsubstantive studies) : Burt, Ronald S. Structural Holes: The ocial Structure ofCompetition. Cambridge, MA: HarvardUniversity Press, 1992. Fischer, Claude S. To Dwell Among Friends  ersonal Networks in Townand City. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982. Friedkin, Noah E. A Structural Theory of Social Influence. New York:CambridgeUniversity Press, 1998. Granovetter, Mark S.Getting a Job: A Study of Contacts and Ca-reers. Second Edition (first published in1974) . Chicago: University of ChicagoPress, 1995. Knoke, David, Franz Urban Pappi, JeffreyBroadbent and Yutaka Tsujina-ka. Comparing Policy Networks: Labor Politics inthe U. S. , Germany, and Ja-pam New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996. Laumann, Edward O- and David Knoke. The Organizational State: SocialChoice in National Policy Domains. Madison, WI: University of WisconsinPress,1987. Lin, Nan. Social Capital: A Theory of Social Structure and Action. NewYork: Cambridge University Press, 2001. Valente, Thomas W. Network Models of the Diffusion of Innovations. Cresskill,NJ:Hampton Press, 1995. Ⅳatts, Duncan J. Small Worlds: The Dynamics of Networks betweenOrderand Randomness. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1999. Watts, Duncan J. Six Degrees: The Scienceof a Connected Age. New York:Norton,2003. Weimann, Gabriel. The Influentials: People Who Influence People. Albany, NewYork:State University of New York Press, 1994. 课程专题及阅读材料 (Topics AndReadings) i. 导论 (Introduction and Overview) Wasserman and Faust, chapter l. Scott, chapters l-2. Marsden, Peter V. Social Networks.in Edgar F. Borgatta and RhondaJ- V. Montgomery. Encyclopedia of Sociology. Second edition. New York: Mac-Millan, 2000 , pp. 2727-2735. Marsden, Peter V. Network Analysis inKimberly Kempf-Leonard Encyclo-pedia of Social Measurement. San Diego, CA:Academic Press, 2004. 2. 自我中心网、测量和“社会资本”(Egocentric Networks,Measure-ment,and “Social Capital‘’) Wasserman and Faust, chapter 2. Scott, chapter 3. Marsden, Peter V. Network Data andMeasurement. Annual Review ofSo-ciology, 1990, 16 : 435-463. Marsden, Peter V* Recent Developments inNetwork Measurement. In Pe-ter J.Carrington, John Scott, and Stanley Wasserman, Models and Methods inSocialNetwork Analysis. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005. Arsden, Peter V, Core Discussion Networksof Americans. American Soci-ological Review, 1987, 52: 122-131. Burt, Ronald S. The Contingent Value ofSocial Capital. AdministrativeScienceQuarterly, 1997, 42: 339-365. 4. 整体网络; 图论导论(Whole Networks,Introduction to Graph Theory) Wasserman and Faust, chapters 3-4. Scott, chapter 4. 5. 中心度和中心势(Centralityand Centralization) Wasserman and Faust, chapter 5. Scott, chapter 5. Freeman, Linton C. Centrality in Social Networks: I. Conceptual Clarifica-tion. Social Networks, 1979, 1: 215-239. Bonacich, Phillip. Power and Centrality: AFamily of Measures. AmericanJournal ofSociOlOgy, 1987, 92: 1170-1182. Brass, Daniel. Being in the Right Place: AStructural Analysis of IndividualInfluence in an Organization. AdministrativeScience Quarterly, 1984, 29: 518-539. Faust, Katherine. Centrality in Affiliation Networks. Social Networks,1997,19: 15 7-191. 6. 网络中的子群工: 团聚 子群 ( Subgroups inNetworks, 工:CohesiveSubgroups) Wasserman and Faust, chapter 7. Scott, chapter 6. Bartholomew, David J. , Fiona Steele, IriniMoustaki, and Jane I. Galbraith. TheAnalysis and Interpretation of MultivariateData for Social Scientists. London: Chap-man and Hall/CRC, 2002, Chapter 2(Cluster Analysis) . Freeman, Linton C. The Sociological Conceptof “Group”: An EmpiricalTest of TwoModels. American Journal ofSociology, 1992, 98: 152-166. Frank, Kenneth A. Identifying Cohesive Subgroups. Social Networks,1995,17: 27-56. Moore, Gwen. The Structure of a NationalElite Network. American Socio-‘logicalReview, 1979, 44: 673-692. Krackhardt, David. The Ties That Torture : Simmelian Tie Analysis in Organiza-tions.Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 1999, 16: 183-210. 7. 网络中的子群Ⅱ: 块模型/位 置分析( Subgroups in Networks, Ⅱ:Blockmodels/PositionalAnalysis) Wasserman and Faust, chapters 9, 10. Scott, chapter 7. White, Harrison C. , Scott A. Boorman andRonald L. Breiger. Social Struc-ture from Multiple Networks. I. Blockmodelsof Roles and Positions. AmericanJournal of Sociology, 1976, 81: 730-779. Borgatti, ‘Stephen P. and Martin G. Everett. Notions of Position in SocialNetwork Analysis. In Peter V. Marsden. Sociological Methodology1992.Oxford, UK: Basil Blackwell, Ltd, 1992:1-35. Breiger, Ronald L. Structures of EconomicInterdependence Among Na-tions. In Peter M. Blau and Robert K. Merton * Continuities in Structural In-quiry. BeverlyHills: Sage, 1981: 353-380. 8. 网络的形象化(Visualizing Networks) Scott, Social Network Analysis, chapter 8. Freeman, Linton C. Visualizing SocialNetworks. Journal of Social Struc-ture, 2000, 1. Electronically available at http: //www. Heinz. Cmu. Edu/pro-ject/INSNA/joss/. B artholomew et al. , The Analysis andInterpretation of Multivariate Datafor Social Scientists. Chapters 3(Multidimensional Scaling) and 4 (Correspon-dence Analysis) . Krackhardt, David, Jim Blythe and CathleenMcGrath. Krackplot 3. 0: AnImproved Network Drawing Program. Connections , 1994, 17: 53-55. Laumann, Edward O. and Franz U. Pappi. NewDirections in the Study ofCommunity Elites. American Sociological Review, 1973 , 38 : 212-230. McGrath, Cathleen, Jim Blythe, and DavidKrackhardt. The Effect of Spa-tial Arrangement on Judgments and Errors inInterpreting Graphs. Social Net-works, 1997, 19 : 223-242. 9. 分析和表达。二型,,网络数据(Analyzing and Representin9吓wo-Mode” NetworkData) Wasserman and Faust, chapter 8. Breiger, Ronald L. The Duality of Personsand Groups. Social Forces,1974, 53: 181-190. Borgatti, Stephen P. and Martin G. Everett. Network Analysis of Two-Mode Data. Social Networks, 1997, 19: 243-269. Bearden, James and Beth Mintz. TheStructure of Class Cohesion: The Cor-porate Network and Its Dual. In Mark S. Mizruchi and Michael Schwartz .Inter-corporate Relations: The Structural Analysis of Business. New York: Cam-bridge University Press, 1987: 187-207. 10. 关于网络的统计分析方法: pl and p‘模型(Statistical Approaches toJetworks: pl and p‘) Wasserman and Faust, chapters 15-16. Anderson, Carolyn J. , Stanley Wassermanand Bradley Crouch. A p* Prim-er: Logit Models for Social Networks. SocialNetworks, 1999, 21: 37-66. Crouch, Bradley and Stanley Wasserman. APractical Guide to Fitting p*Social Network Models Via LogisticRegression. Connections, 1997, 21: 87-101. (Download version available at p* website, see below. ) Wasserman, Stanley, and Philippa Pattison.Logit models and logistic re-gressions for social networks: L An introductionto Markov graphs and p’. Psy-chometrika, 1996 , 60: 10. 401-426. Skvoretz, John and Katherine Faust. Logit Models forAffiliation Net-works. In Mark P. Beckerand Michael E. Sobel . SociologicalMethodology .Boston, MA: Blackwell Publishers, 1999: 253-280. Note: Additional information about p* can be foundat http: //Kentucky. Psych. Uiuc. Edu/pstar/. 10. 比较网络 (Comparing Networks) Hubert, Lawrence J- and Frank B. Baker.Evaluating the Conformity of So-iometric Measurements. Psychometrika, 1978, 43:31-41. Baker, Frank B. And Lawrence J. Hubert. TheAnalysis of Social Interac-tion Data: A Nonparametric Technique. Sociological Methods and Research,1981, 9: 339-361. Rackhardt, David. QAP Partialling as a Testof Spuriousness. Social Net-works,1987 9:171-186. Faust, Katherine and John Skvoretz.Comparing Networks Across Time andSpace, Size and Species- in Ross M. Stolzenberg. SociologicalMethodology. Boston, MA:Blackwell Publishing, 2002: 267-299. 11.认知性社会结构数据 (Cognitive Social Structure Data) Krackhardt, David. Cognitive SocialStructures* Social Networks , 1987,9: 109-134. Kumbasar, Ece, A. Kimball Romney andWilliam H. Batchelder. SystematicBiases in Social Perception. American Journal of Sociology, 1994, 100:477-505. Krackhardt, David* Assessing the PoliticalLandscape: Structure, Cogni-tion, and Power in Organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly, 1990, 35:342-369. 12.研究 网络效应和传播的模型 (Models for Studying Network EffectsandDiffusion) Marsden, Peter V. and Noah E. Friedkin.Network Studies of Social Influ-ence. In Wasserman and Galaskiewicz. Advances in Social Network Analysis,1994:3-25. Ibarra, Herminia and Steven B. Andrews. Power, Social Influence, andSense-Making: Effects of Network Centrality and Proximity on EmployeePer-ceptions. Administrative Science Quarterly, 1993, 38: 277-304. Hedstrom, Peter, Rickard Sandell and Charlotta Stern. MesolevelNet-works and the Diffusion of Social Movements: The Case of the SwedishSocialDemocratic Party. American Journal of Sociology, 2000, 106: 145-172. Strang, David and Nancy Brandon Tuma.Spatial and Temporal Heteroge-neity in Diffusion. American Journal ofSociology, 1993, 99: 614-639. Morris, Martina. Epidemiology and SocialNetworks: Modeling StructuredDiffusion. InWasserman and Galaskiewicz . Advances inSocial Network Analy- ‘Sis,1994:26-52. 13.纵向网络分析(LongitudinalNetwork Analysis) Snijders, Tom A. B. Stochastic Actor-Oriented Models for NetworkChange. Journal ofMathematical Sociology, 1996, 21: 149-172. Van de Bunt, Gerhard G. , Marijte A. J. van Duijn and TomA. B. Snijders. Ftiendship NetworksThrough Time: An Actor-Oriented Statisti-cal Network Model. Computational and Mathematical OrganizationTheory,1999, 5: 167-192. 14.网络抽样(NetworkSampling) Scott, chapter 3 (2nd). Granovetter, Mark. Network Sampling: SomeFirst Steps. American Jour-nal ofSocio\ogy, 1976, 81: 1287-1303. Frank, Ove. Sampling and Estimation inLarge Social Networks. Social Net-works,1978,l:91-101. Klovdahl, Alden S. , Z. Dhofier, G. Oddy, J. O’ Hara, S. Stoutjesdijk,and A. Whish. Social Networksin an Urban A’rea: First CanberraStudy. J\u.tralian and NewZealand Journal of Sociology, 1977, 13:169-172-
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